Mastering the Art of Blowjobs: A Beginner's Guide to get more pleasure

Blowjobs. For most men, they are a highly sought-after sexual experience. But unfortunately, not all men get them as often as they’d like. Maybe you’re one of them

The key to getting more blowjobs from your woman is simple yet powerful: compliment her during and after.

A blowjob is when you use your mouth to stimulate a penis by sucking or kissing it. It cannot get you pregnant

Begin by licking the tip of the penis and gradually move your tongue along its underside.

To create a suction effect while sucking, make an “O” shape with your mouth and move your head up and down. You can also use your tongue to add some extra stimulation.

By doing so, you will not only make your partner feel desired and appreciated, but also enhance the pleasure and connection in your sex life. Give it a try and see how it transforms your sexual experiences.